Environmental Policy
To reduce our carbon footprint
Board24 are committed to comply with all current applicable environmental legislation and with other requirements to which the company subscribes that relate to its environmental impacts and aspects.
We strive to protect the environment in all our processes and are continually developing ways to improve our environmental performance, conserve raw materials and reduce by-products, waste and emissions.
We encourage all staff to try to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover waste.
We are also constantly trying to reduce our carbon footprint. So we are always trying to find better ways to do things, and ways to reduce the amount of raw materials we use, such as paper, starch, water and steam. Our equipment has energy time switches so they power down when idle. We recapture steam. We calibrate our machines to work effectively at the lowest possible heat without compromising quality in any way.
On the transport side, we now use larger capacity trailers. This means we can increase the loads and make fewer journeys.