


Workplace safety continues to be of the upmost importance to the Logson Group.

In 2017, a new Health and Safety brand logo ‘Make It Safe’ has been launched to highlight the importance of this across the Logson Group – Boxes and Packaging, Board24, Cases24, Jardin Corrugated and Boxshop.

The new logo has been designed to help promote health and safety awareness for all our stakeholders. The logo will become an increasingly visible part of all Logson sites over the coming months, being introduced on documentation, signage and staff workwear. The new ‘Make It Safe’ tag line will help to reinforce the existing health and safety message.

“Health and Safety is an integral part of our operation and underpins our business strategy” said Alex Kelly, CEO Logson Group. “We have a responsibility to keep employees, visitors and contractors safe at all times and to offer a consistently high level of safety management across all of our sites.

We will always strive for the highest standards within our industry, demonstrated by our active participation in the CPI safety committee and as signatories to PABIAC but I hope the “Make It Safe” branding will bring a specific identity that we can all relate to and take pride in.

2017 will see every site manage its safety performance via a set of common key performance indicators. This continuous improvement approach is designed to ensure Health and Safety remains a visible priority for everyone across the Logson Group.

Richard McBride, Board 24 Managing Director added; “The new Make It Safe logo will help drive and reinforce our focus on Health and Safety. All our sites work hard on improving our processes to ensure a safe working environment for all our people and visitors. The new logo will assist in keeping the Health and Safety profile front of mind as it will be visible on all our work wear and documentation.”