new in 2020

Packaging Predictions for 2020


As the years go by, any businesses that wish to remain relevant should look towards making changes to keep up with new technology, trends, and consumer demands. This can be especially true in the packaging industry, as manufacturers, government entities, and consumers’ expectations and requirements often change. Due to the ongoing outside pressures, global packaging trends are continually changing. Here are four packaging trends your business should keep an eye on this year.


Connected Packaging

This newer form of packaging has smart capabilities that increase consumer engagement while allowing brands to share more about their company. QR and RFID codes are the most well-known versions of connected packaging and direct consumers to additional information about their purchase with a simple scan on their phone.


Sustainable Packaging

Going green is more than just a movement or trending hashtag on social media. Attempting sustainability is a growing expectation among consumers, especially the millennial generation. Not only do consumers want to be able to recycle the packaging, but they also prefer it to be made of recycled products. With some organisations preparing to impose additional taxes on companies not utilising sustainable packaging, the shift could come quickly.


One of a Kind Packaging

Creating a memorable customer experience is quickly evolving trend and a consumers first touch can often be packaging. With the rise of online shopping and e-commerce stores, it is challenging businesses to deliver that wow factor. One of a kind packaging would allow brands to create a unique unboxing experience that customers want to repeat and share with their friends and family and leaves a lasting impression.


Plastic-Free Packaging

Plastic is heavily relied on due to its flexibility, minimal weight, and durability in protecting items during travel. However, the impact that plastic has on the environment is an ongoing concern for businesses and the general public alike. Will businesses look for ways to reduce or eliminate plastic from their distribution process?

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